Wikileaks Public date: 10.08.2017 19:48:51

Publisher: Techdirt


10 Mar 2012

Transparency Double Standard: UK Public Inquiry Requests Info From Wikileaks

Well, this is interesting. Given the general condemnation of Wikileaks by governments, all the ongoing controversy and reputation problems faced by the organization, you wouldn't expect them to be approached with any official requests for leaked information. But it seems just that has happened in the UK, where the Leveson Inquiry into media ethics has requested and received a dossier from Wikileaks on corruption in the British press.
Well, this is interesting. Given the general condemnation of Wikileaks by governments, all the ongoing controversy and...



27 Jan 2011

NYT Pondering WikiLeaks-Esque Submission System

Does the New York Times want to be the next WikiLeaks? Executive editor Bill Keller tells Yahoo's Cutline that the paper is looking into a submission system that would let leakers send documents directly to the Times rather than going through sites like WikiLeaks.
Does the New York Times want to be the next WikiLeaks? Executive editor Bill Keller tells Yahoo's Cutline that the paper...



22 Dec 2010

So WikiLeaks Is Evil For Releasing Documents… But DynCorp Gets A Pass For Pimping Young Boys To Afghan Cops

One refrain we keep hearing against Wikileaks is that the cable releases aren't really "whistleblowing," because they're not really revealing anything. However, it seems like each day there's another big revelation of rather horrible things being done (and covered up) by the US government
One refrain we keep hearing against Wikileaks is that the cable releases aren't really "whistleblowing," because they're...

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