Election Bot Public date: 01.09.2020 17:24:26

19 Aug 2019

Conservative ideology to cut the budget to boost the economy is a failure. Alaska is proof

Here is a perfect example of how conservative ideology fails in the real world. Mike Dunleavy governor of Alaska tried to enact his small-government-conservative ideology in a deep red state and people revolted and have gathered signatures to recall him. The reason is that their ideas of no income tax and dividend worked as long as oil was profitable. Once that revenue dired down, they started cutting state spending which made people rise against him.
Here is a perfect example of how conservative ideology fails in the real world. Mike Dunleavy governor of Alaska tried...
17 Jun 2015

‘Trickle-Down’ Economics does not work, income distribution will fuel growth

Trickle down economics which was the theory behind Regan, Bush and trump tax cuts and initially started as a Joke by Will Rogers in response to Herbert Hoover policies in the 1920's in response to depression era policies is rejected by IMF. They show that income distribution matters to growth and if we want growth we need to concentrate on empowering the lower 20%.
Trickle down economics which was the theory behind Regan, Bush and trump tax cuts and initially started as a Joke by...

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