Wikileaks Public date: 10.08.2017 19:48:51



4 Feb 2012

These Are the Taliban Prisoners Up for Release

The Obama administration is considering the release of five Taliban prisoners to improve peace talks with the Afghan insurgency and now we know who's on the short list. This morning, CNN's Adam Levine and Tim Lister got confirmation from a "knowledgeable source" of the names of the former Taliban leaders up for release from Guantanamo Bay. Thanks to WikiLeaks - and a joint project by The New York Times and NPR - there's a searchable docket with pictures and background details on all the detainees in Guantanamo.
The Obama administration is considering the release of five Taliban prisoners to improve peace talks with the Afghan...



7 Jun 2011

Interview with Omar Deghayes

Omar Deghayes was born the son of a prominent Libyan lawyer, an "opponent of the increasingly totalitarian Gaddafi" later taken away by the Libyan authorities and killed.
Omar Deghayes was born the son of a prominent Libyan lawyer, an "opponent of the increasingly totalitarian Gaddafi"...



6 Jun 2011

Omar Deghayes on Omar Khadr

Omar Khadr is a Canadian citizen who was arrested at fifteen after the compound he was living in in Afghanistan was bombed by US military. He was tortured at Bagram prison and Guant namo, and has spent the last nine years of his life imprisoned by the US. WL Central coverage on Omar Khadr is here.
Omar Khadr is a Canadian citizen who was arrested at fifteen after the compound he was living in in Afghanistan was...

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