Wikileaks Public date: 10.08.2017 19:48:51

Publisher: The Real News


3 Oct 2014

Documents Reveal NSA and GCHQ Efforts to Destroy Assange And Track Wikileaks Supporters

The NSA documents reveal that there was a broad effort by the United States government, but through the NSA--these are NSA documents; there's probably a lot more from the CIA, FBI, and other places--but a broad effort to destroy WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, and to really surveil and begin to know all of the people who are their supporters. That was a--it's a very significant set of documents this week.
The NSA documents reveal that there was a broad effort by the United States government, but through the NSA--these are...



2 Sep 2012

WikiLeaks, Assange And The American Empire

The Wikileaks documents and videos have provided one humiliation after another ... lies exposed, political manipulations revealed, gross hypocrisies, murders in cold blood, ... followed by the torture of Bradley Manning and the persecution of Julian Assange. Washington calls the revelations "threats to national security", but the world can well see it's simply plain old embarrassment. Manning's defense attorneys have asked the military court on several occasions to specify the exact harm done to national security. The court has never given an answer. If hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, consider an empire embarrassed.
The Wikileaks documents and videos have provided one humiliation after another ... lies exposed, political manipulations...
20 Jan 2011

Obama officials caught deceiving about WikiLeaks

Whenever the U.S. Government wants to demonize a person or group in order to justify attacks on them, it follows the same playbook: it manufactures falsehoods about them, baselessly warns that they pose Grave Dangers and are severely harming our National Security, peppers all that with personality smears to render the targeted individuals repellent on a personal level, and feeds it all to the establishment American media, which then dutifully amplifies and mindlessly disseminates it all.
Whenever the U.S. Government wants to demonize a person or group in order to justify attacks on them, it follows the...

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