Progressive Causes Public date: 07.01.2020 00:04:06

19 Aug 2019

Conservative ideology to cut the budget to boost the economy is a failure. Alaska is proof

Here is a perfect example of how conservative ideology fails in the real world. Mike Dunleavy governor of Alaska tried to enact his small-government-conservative ideology in a deep red state and people revolted and have gathered signatures to recall him. The reason is that their ideas of no income tax and dividend worked as long as oil was profitable. Once that revenue dired down, they started cutting state spending which made people rise against him.
Here is a perfect example of how conservative ideology fails in the real world. Mike Dunleavy governor of Alaska tried...
22 Mar 2019

Trump boosted the economy for the rich by doubling the US deficit

The economy has been boosted by massive tax cuts for the rich and deficit spending. Republicans always campaign for fiscal responsibility when Democrats are in charge and create a mirage by boosting the economy on deficit spending and passing the burden to the middle class.
The economy has been boosted by massive tax cuts for the rich and deficit spending. Republicans always campaign for...

Extreme Republican ideology doesn’t believe in compassion and altruism

Koch Brothers, tea party republicans have been promoting a narrow ideology that was the cause of the great depression and is based on greed and narcissism. They believe that everyone is driven by self interest and don't believe in human compassion. They believe that only the rich need protection for their property. Is this a world we want to live in? We have seen this movie in history before. This is another from of totalitarianism.
Koch Brothers, tea party republicans have been promoting a narrow ideology that was the cause of the great depression...
8 Jan 2018

The new tax policy by Republicans hurts low income housing while benefiting the rich

The Republican tax policy has taken the incentives for low income housing from developers. The tax credit that encouraged private business to invest in low income housing. Lowering corporate taxes takes out the incentives for right offs.
The Republican tax policy has taken the incentives for low income housing from developers. The tax credit that...
14 May 2017

Kansas tried Trump style tax cuts – They failed

If we don't learn from history we are doomed to repeat it. Prior to Trump's tax cuts, the Republican governor Sam Brownback, with the help of the go-to guru of "Supply Side economics" since the Reagan era, Arthur Laffer introduced huge tax cuts to boost the economy. Today the state is out of money and residents are angry.
If we don't learn from history we are doomed to repeat it. Prior to Trump's tax cuts, the Republican governor Sam...
17 Jun 2015

‘Trickle-Down’ Economics does not work, income distribution will fuel growth

Trickle down economics which was the theory behind Regan, Bush and trump tax cuts and initially started as a Joke by Will Rogers in response to Herbert Hoover policies in the 1920's in response to depression era policies is rejected by IMF. They show that income distribution matters to growth and if we want growth we need to concentrate on empowering the lower 20%.
Trickle down economics which was the theory behind Regan, Bush and trump tax cuts and initially started as a Joke by...

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