Progressive Causes Public date: 07.01.2020 00:04:06

Publisher: NY Times


17 Dec 2019

Trump tax policy benefits hi earning families and hurts lo income families

The Trump and Republican tax incentives for children has been targeted to help high income families instead of low income families and is costing the government 127 billion dollars. People earning 15K a year get $75 per child while the program was extended to people earning $400,000 a year.
The Trump and Republican tax incentives for children has been targeted to help high income families instead of low...
15 Dec 2019

Trump wants to end life saving disability benefits for hundreds of thousands of citizens

First republicans cut taxes for the rich and corporations and now in search of revenue they are looking to cut social security benefits for current and future beneficiaries. This is going to result in thousands dying, as they did under Reagan when he did the same thing and then had to reverse it. We can't afford four more years of Trump.
First republicans cut taxes for the rich and corporations and now in search of revenue they are looking to cut social...

Publisher: Newsweek


16 Oct 2018

Republicans cut taxes for the rich, but want to call services for everyone else

Republican policy is to give a hand out to the rich and then cut entitlements for the middle class and working poor. This is a game that has been played many times over the years. This in reality is socialism for the rich and corporations.
Republican policy is to give a hand out to the rich and then cut entitlements for the middle class and working poor....
8 Jan 2018

The new tax policy by Republicans hurts low income housing while benefiting the rich

The Republican tax policy has taken the incentives for low income housing from developers. The tax credit that encouraged private business to invest in low income housing. Lowering corporate taxes takes out the incentives for right offs.
The Republican tax policy has taken the incentives for low income housing from developers. The tax credit that...
21 Dec 2017

US had a strong middle class when the wealthy and corporation were taxed fairly, The GOP plan crushes the middle class

The American Middle class was created by FDR post world war II by giving power to the workers and income tax rates of 70% or more on wealthy individuals and high taxes on corporate profits. Despite this policy median income doubled in the 3 decades after world war II. Protecting the middle class works for the economy and the country.
The American Middle class was created by FDR post world war II by giving power to the workers and income tax rates of...
14 May 2017

Kansas tried Trump style tax cuts – They failed

If we don't learn from history we are doomed to repeat it. Prior to Trump's tax cuts, the Republican governor Sam Brownback, with the help of the go-to guru of "Supply Side economics" since the Reagan era, Arthur Laffer introduced huge tax cuts to boost the economy. Today the state is out of money and residents are angry.
If we don't learn from history we are doomed to repeat it. Prior to Trump's tax cuts, the Republican governor Sam...
17 Jun 2015

‘Trickle-Down’ Economics does not work, income distribution will fuel growth

Trickle down economics which was the theory behind Regan, Bush and trump tax cuts and initially started as a Joke by Will Rogers in response to Herbert Hoover policies in the 1920's in response to depression era policies is rejected by IMF. They show that income distribution matters to growth and if we want growth we need to concentrate on empowering the lower 20%.
Trickle down economics which was the theory behind Regan, Bush and trump tax cuts and initially started as a Joke by...
24 Feb 2015

We have evidence that taxing the rich will grow the economy – Minnesota is our proof

Republicans suggest that taxing the rich, or increasing workers wages kills jobs and makes businesses leave the state. Minnesota governor Mark Dayton inherited a 6.2 billion dollar budget deficit and a 7% unemployment when he entered office in 2011 from his predecessor, Tim Pawlenty the Republican. He raised taxes on hi-income earners and raised minimum wage. By 2013 the economy was the 5th fasted growing economy, the ninth best state to do business with and more people entered the top tax rate and as of 2015 Minnesota has a 1 billion dollar budget surplus.
Republicans suggest that taxing the rich, or increasing workers wages kills jobs and makes businesses leave the state....

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