Progressive Causes Public date: 07.01.2020 00:04:06

9 Dec 2019

Government finds money to rebuild Afghanistan, but not America

The notion that we don't have enough money to pay for healthcare, education, infrastructure is proven false by reports like these. We need to change our priorities and invest our hard earned tax dollars in the right places. This is an example of socialism for the military industry.
The notion that we don't have enough money to pay for healthcare, education, infrastructure is proven false by reports...
31 Oct 2019

Ice melting means coastlines are in danger and its happening now

Climate change translates into rising seas, stronger storms and this results into vanishing coastlines. The Iles-De-La-Madeleine island in Quebec has been warmed at twice the world average at 2.3 degrees celsius since the 19th century. What we are experiencing on this island will happen all around us. To claim that we have been warned since 1970 and dooms day has not arrived, simply demonstrates and uneducated opinion.
Climate change translates into rising seas, stronger storms and this results into vanishing coastlines. The...
19 Aug 2019

Conservative ideology to cut the budget to boost the economy is a failure. Alaska is proof

Here is a perfect example of how conservative ideology fails in the real world. Mike Dunleavy governor of Alaska tried to enact his small-government-conservative ideology in a deep red state and people revolted and have gathered signatures to recall him. The reason is that their ideas of no income tax and dividend worked as long as oil was profitable. Once that revenue dired down, they started cutting state spending which made people rise against him.
Here is a perfect example of how conservative ideology fails in the real world. Mike Dunleavy governor of Alaska tried...
29 Apr 2019

Vermont’s experiment in Medicare for all shows us that the program needs to be implemented nationally

The lessons learned from Vermont is that first we need to take cost under control and second a single state will have a hard time on its own because people work across state lines and the federal government needs to be involved to make it work. Candidates need to articulate their approach!
The lessons learned from Vermont is that first we need to take cost under control and second a single state will have a...
28 Nov 2018

Under Trump the deficit has doubled – He doesn’t know how to manage the economy

We need to make sure people we elect understand how government and economy works. We learn from this article that Trump wants to reduce the deficit, without touching programs like medicare, or cutting military spending, while he wants to build infrastructure. Republicans are conflicted because their rhetoric doesn't meet reality.
We need to make sure people we elect understand how government and economy works. We learn from this article that Trump...
7 May 2018

Trump wants socialism for the rich, while cutting children’s healthcare services

Donald Trump and the republican congress cut taxes for the rich, and now that they have to pay for it they are cutting vital healthcare services to children and the affordable care act. When Republicans and conservatives are in charge we have socialism for the rich!
Donald Trump and the republican congress cut taxes for the rich, and now that they have to pay for it they are cutting...

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