Progressive Causes Public date: 07.01.2020 00:04:06

15 Dec 2019

Trump wants to end life saving disability benefits for hundreds of thousands of citizens

First republicans cut taxes for the rich and corporations and now in search of revenue they are looking to cut social security benefits for current and future beneficiaries. This is going to result in thousands dying, as they did under Reagan when he did the same thing and then had to reverse it. We can't afford four more years of Trump.
First republicans cut taxes for the rich and corporations and now in search of revenue they are looking to cut social...
16 Oct 2019

Slashing Military budget by reducing war spending will pay for Medicare for all without raising taxes

Here is our main answer on how we will pay for Medicare for all and other vital services, by slashing 350 billion out of the 750 billion dollar military budget and getting the foreign policy and without creating any tax burden for working families.
Here is our main answer on how we will pay for Medicare for all and other vital services, by slashing 350 billion out of...
6 Oct 2019

We Need Biodiversity-Based Agriculture to Solve the Climate Crisis

We are breaking the natural cycle of earth by burning fossil fuels that formed over 600 million years in a short time. Extinction is a certainty if we continue on this path. We need to turn away from industrialized farming to survive. We need structural change.
We are breaking the natural cycle of earth by burning fossil fuels that formed over 600 million years in a short time....
19 Mar 2019

Democratic Socialism works – Equality leads to happiness and stability in society

In a healthy society, people feel like they have a fair chance at success, while they are protected from the worse life can deliver. In Social Democratic countries people are happier and more satisfied than the united states that ranks 37th. The question is what are our values! If people voted their interest in this country we would get structural change in this country.
In a healthy society, people feel like they have a fair chance at success, while they are protected from the worse life...
7 Nov 2017

We have Spent $5.6 Trillion on War Since 9/1, we need to change our priorities

Politicians tell us we have no money for social safety programs like healthcare and education, yet no one tells us how we can spend 5.6 trillion dollars on war, which is the equivalent of more than $23,386 per tax payer.
Politicians tell us we have no money for social safety programs like healthcare and education, yet no one tells us how...

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